Your results will never exceed the limits of your mindset.
Years ago, I was filled with fear, doubts and insecurities about myself. I had tried so many methods of achieving success in my career and relationships but while they temporarily motivated me they didn’t really change anything. I had plenty of ideas and was ambitious but I had trouble staying focused and making my dreams a reality.
I eventually met a number of very successful businesspeople who suggested that the answer was not in motivation but in my mind. They told me I first had to understand how the mind works and how to be in control of it, and they recommended the book Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard.
Over the years I've read hundreds of books on mindset, success and happiness. Dianetics is the most important one I've ever read. It gave me answers to:
As I put this information to use, I saw huge changes in my life—better decision making, more energy and motivation, and the confidence to think bigger and take on deals and ventures I would never have considered before. What surprised me most was how much my improvement impacted the people around me. I've created a beautiful family and forget 10X... I've 500Xed my company over the past 12 years. I've also created a global movement helping millions around the world to improve their lives.
You see me talking about improving communities. Imagine what would happen if more people operated at their highest level—making great decisions, engaging in massive action, and taking responsibility not just for themselves but for their cities, states and the world around them.
Your mind is your most valuable asset. If you don’t know how it works you won't understand how life works. It's the key to everything you want in life.
If you've never read Dianetics, get your copy now and move it to the top of your reading list. You can also schedule a free consultation with the publisher to help you take advantage of these principles and overcome the mindset-related barriers to achieving your 10X goals.
Be great,
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