How to Get Attention and Make Yourself Known

Believe it or not, I’m actually an introvert when it comes down to it. But I know that as great as my products are, great products alone never win.

In business money follows attention. In other words, you will either be known or you will be gone.

The reason I promote, promote and then promote some more is that in business “if people don’t know you they ain’t gonna flow you.” You may have the best product but if nobody knows about it then it may as well not exist.

Now some people (and you might be one of them) might not be comfortable with constantly promoting themselves and doing whatever it takes to get that attention and I get that.

One thing that really helped me with this is a short course called the Fundamentals of Public Relations by L. Ron Hubbard. It covered the key rules and principles that allowed me to master the game of generating attention and build the 10X Empire you see today.

Before getting this information, I was a lonely traveling salesman living on the road 250 days a year, no one knew me and I was unfulfilled. Now I have created over 21 bestselling business programs and have more than 15 million social media followers, fans and connections around the world.

Just download this free ebook and follow the link to start the course. I also recommend scheduling a consultation on how to overcome the barriers to reaching your full potential.

Attention is the name of the game. That’s why I’m always out there and if you want to get known, you gotta get out there too.

Be great,

Fundamentals of Public Relations
In this ebook, you'll learn:
  • Many valuable tools you can use to make your good works well known and well accepted.
  • What Public Relations is and how you can successfully use it to gain the support you need from others.
  • How you can correctly identify your public and reach them with a message they will respond to.