How to Surround Yourself with the Right People

One of the biggest things I would have done differently in life is surround myself with people who had actually done it and knew how to be successful.

In fact, my financial condition over the years has been an indication of the people around me and what I'm listening to every day. You are like the people you spend your time around, after all.

No one is going to come to your house and make your dreams come true. You need to surround yourself with the right people and build a team that you can trust.

But how do you find the right people?

There is an extremely valuable course I took on knowing who you can trust called the Emotional Tone Scale by L. Ron Hubbard. This information opened my eyes to the people and environments I had been surrounding myself with—and how to see who I can really depend on, before entering into a partnership or deal.

Using this information I've been able to increase my success consistently and build great teams with a positive culture. And together we've build a network of 10Xers who are taking care of their families and their communities around the world.

Just download this free ebook and follow the link to start the course. I also recommend scheduling a consultation to help you develop the mindset and get the right information to reach your full potential.

Remember: if you don't like your financial condition... look at your environment.

Be great,

Emotional Tone Scale
In this ebook, you'll learn:
  • Who to associate with and who to avoid.
  • How you can accurately predict the behavior of a potential spouse, a business partner, employee or friend—before you commit to a relationship.
  • Simple tools you can use to raise your own or another’s emotional state.